Human Resources Management

What was once a vague business management principle-  “the art of managing employees, has now become  one of the largest threats for the future survival of business”

Our niche market is to lend small to medium businesses a helping hands. In the current economic climate, many businesses faces an uphill battle with staff retention, work-life balance, stress in the workplace, discrimination, productivity and wages amongst many other issues.

We at CA Management Services understands that it is impossible for a small business to employ an HR Manager at 100K or more!!! That is why our HR + Recruitment division is equipped and ready to assist clients with the different human resources management, change management and training challenges.


Your External HR Partner

We will show you how to protect your most important investment (Staff) and work with you to nurture that employee-employer relationships.


Something to think about!!!

How much did you spent in upskilling and training your staff this year? How many resignations or termination did you have this year? How many disengaged employees you have on board?

Work it out and you will be amazed how much money, time and efforts you could have saved with the proper HR planning and policies in place !!!

Our HR Services  will assist you with the little things that in turn will make a big difference in your bottom line and build long term relationship with your staff.

For an obligation free visit and chat, please download our HR checklist and send it back to our HR Department.

For a copy of our HR Checklist click here